For me, music is an expression of freedom and love


Maok (Martin Tesák) was born in 1974 in Bratislava, Slovakia. He is known in Europe as an improvising musician, singer, multi-instrumentalist and composer, and is sometimes called a "man-orchestra".

Maok organizes his own concerts and conducts music therapies as he trusts that music can heal and inspire. He also writes compositions for theater and dance performances and films.

He considers music to be an integral part of his life, as well as the most visible form of his expression. Maok is the father of three children.

The music he creates is dreamy, mystically tuned, which heals and inspires. One of his colleagues described his work in the following words: "Maok simply allows music to flow through him without restriction. Without limiting the flow of creativity to any genre boundaries. He is open, free, living and creating here and now."

According to Maok, his main influence is love and life itself.